Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Flip Girl!! Do you got Beans for brains!!!?
Jac he did that too!!!! hahaha everytime I had problems in the lady area Dad would be at my rescue... well he would look like he does in this picture... kind of rolled over hoping what I was asking wasn't true but when it came to it dad would be at the store getting all my items I needed! One time he took me to my Shriners appointment and we were sitting in the waiting room when all of a sudden it hit!!! The worst cramps I have ever had I had to lay on the waiting room chairs!!! Dad said, "hold on I will be back!" He left the hospital and like 30 minutes later he was back with a bag of feminie products!!! Who does that! I love it
This is memory that almost put me in my grave but it ended up being hilarious!!! Right before Monkey and I got married, my cousin Todd and I decided to do one last music video while I was single!!! hahah So anyways we needed my dads truck cause it was so snowy and his truck worked the best in the snow... but really it was because it had a really good sound system! I begged him!! He was way nervous about letting us use it cause when Todd and I get together we usually end up breaking something! Finally he let us use it! We were stoked! So we were doing our music viedo outside whe the camera ran out of batteries... we left the car on hte road in back of our house and ran in for honestly 10 minutes and started fliming! Oh the video turned out great!!! we were so proud till we got back in my Dad's truck! Todd tried to start the truck!!! GRIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDDDD........ THE WHEEL WOULDN'T TURN!!! When we put it into drive it grinded the tire!!! MY HEART SANK!!!! I am a dead women!! "TODD! "i said "did you turn on the four wheel drive?" YEAH Todd said freakin out!!!! IT WAS BROKEN!!! we ruined my fathers truck! Thoughts flew through my head... I GOT TO GET SOME MONEY AND FAST! So we thought of a plan.... MY WEDDING... i won't get a cake i'll make it, I will only have water, I will return my dress and find a cheaper one, I will take back the brides maids shirts and they can wear whatever... there was like 600$ WONDERFUL! I wrote that on paper and was going to give it to him!
We told my Dad what happened and told him how we didn't know how it happened, maybe the 4 wheel drive.......... WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!! I have never heard such a loud voice in my life! I almost fainted. He made us take him to the truck and he was saying things I don't even know! There was the truck.... FLIP MAMIE!!! WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU THINKIN!? THE SIDE OF THE TRUCK IS BANGED UP!!! WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED!!!? YOU RAN INTO SOMETHIN!!! he was going off I was about to cry...
Then I saw it... a note in the front window: SORRY I slid into your truck, my insurance will take care of the damages... (her number)! I wanted to drop to my knees and scream REJOICE!!! my Dad read the letter.... His face turned back to his normal color... He said "OH wonderful!!! no worries!!" He looked at us and smiled and was so happy he didn't have to fix his truck!!! He was so jolly the rest of the night ..hahahahaI love stories like this, What I will always remember is how we felt after it all! My Dad is the greatest!!!
He can make anyone feel so special!! Dad and I love Mac n cheese from KFC! he will bring me a bowl sometimes just cause! Chocolate milk in the fridge just cause!!! anything... just cause! He is the best to watch a show with, like Jac said he has a big heart or maybe big tear ducs!.... He has the biggest heart! no matter who needs help my Dad is the first one there to help!!! I love him so much! This last Christmas we drew names and did serivce for someone in our family... My Dad got my brother Mike! Everyone knows my Dad's knees aren't the best... that didn't matter to him he got out in the freezing cold to shovel Mike's driveway and pathways! It snowed alot!!!!!!!! Without fail he was there... fake knees and all! I love my Dad!!! There is no one like him!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Only Man that Can See Better with his Glasses on Head than on His Face!

I remember as a child loving to see my dad. What a great big bear he was! I would see him drive up in some sort of SUV, drag his iron body out of the truck, and grumble inside, like a bear who was ready for hibernation. He'd moan into his room and plop himself down on the bed. He worked really hard to help his growing family. I would saunter in the room, oblivious to how difficult it was to keep going on his tired body and ask for favors, or moreover, money. " Girl! Money doesn't grow on trees! You have a champagne taste on a beer budget." All of the truths taught by a father to his learning daughter. Learning to be money wise was only the beginning. I also learned to be understanding in other's times of trial. One morning after a night of hair color in a box gone wrong, I remember sitting on my dad's lap, bawling my eyes out because I didn't want to go to school. His face softened and he held my tall 5'8'' frame as he called Chatfield and explained to the secretary that I would not be able to attend my classes for the day because my hair was not looking quite right and I needed my mother to help conceal the disaster that happened before any of my boyfriend's, who wouldn't be my boyfriends if they knew how big my dad really was, saw me! I laughed and he hugged me as we went to the store to buy new hair color. He was also very quick to act when I was in need. As a young girl, I took advantage of his willingness to help me out. I would call from a long day of first period and say, " Daddy, I have cramps..." without a moments hesistation, "I'll be there in ten minutes. Get your stuff." Love it! He was there in his truck right outside of the school ready to take me home. I have a great Dad. My most memorable moment was when I was putting makeup on in my parent's bathroom and Pops was watching the tube. I was stroking each eyelash liberally with the wand as I heard from the bed, "sniffle, sniffle, sniffle." What was he all choked up about?? I walked over to see him watching a Spanish soap opera! "Dad are you being serious?" "Well, if you knew who they were Jac , you would be upset he was leaving too." My dad knows an un poquito amount of espanol. No matter the situation my hopes is that this entry will spark the "Wes Stories" we all know and love. It is tradition to tell them and this blog is the first written account. I love my dad. He rocks...hard core.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Public Display of Affection... must be read in an english accent!

A public display of affection (sometimes abbreviated PDA) is the physical demonstration of affection for another person while in the view of others. Holding hands or kissing in public are commonly considered to be unobjectionable forms of public displays of affection; however, what is considered objectionable depends on the context. For example, in places such as bars, nightclubs, and strip clubs more extreme forms of public displays of affection are rarely considered to be objectionable. In these places, acts such as grinding and french kissing are common.[citation needed] It is traditional at the conclusion of a Western wedding for the couple to kiss.

While generally considered to be an American term, every culture has written and/or unwritten rules governing the display of affection in public. Individual and societal views on the public display of affection vary significantly. Such displays may sometimes be considered to be in bad taste, while in some jurisdictions such displays may even be criminal. Depending on the social values and context, extreme forms of public displays of intimacy may be considered indecent exposure.

If the partners enjoy being seen affectionate towards each other in public, it may be considered a mild form of exhibitionism. Alternatively, the partners may be indifferent that others see them, and therefore are not inhibited by it. Finally, the partners may prefer more privacy, but may simply tolerate being seen by others. Some may find it pleasant to view others public displays of affection, which may be considered a form of voyeurism.

In many societies, public displays of affection may be tolerated even less among minority couples. For example, gay couples could be at risk of encountering aggression from disapproving onlookers. While such public displays of affection could trigger hate violence, some gay rights advocates have used public displays of affection as a means of defiance, treating them as political acts. For example, at McGill University, the Queer McGill organization stages "kiss-ins" in which gay couples kiss in public areas on the university's campus. In many places around the world, couples of differing race, religion, or tribe may be subject to similar intolerance. Wikipedia said all this stuff!

ENOUGH OF THIS RIFF RAFF!! Now on to how I really feel about it....

To display publicly your affection for someone can happen on many levels. What I feel is indecent will be completely different than what Jamal of Slumdog Millionaire will feel as indecent. I personally am one who enjoys the random kisses, long hugs, and hand holds. In fact, seeing it makes me get all "a flutter" shall we say. Physical affection for years has been determined a way to express love for each other without saying anything. But with all that said, I must agree with my associate, Lady Mullins of Rexburgia, affection that is vulgar, skin on skin, hands touching all ghastly places, and sounds that make mourning doves blush is absolutely, positively, undeniably, inappropriate. To confirm and reiterate the early blog..."Take it inside, you twits."

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

So the other day we were all enjoying a beautiful afternoon at the park and it came time to head back to the car to go home. Our friend Jim whispers to me as we leave... "Don''t look at that couple by your car!!" He didn't really say that- but he said something like that, that I don't really remember. Anyways we are almost to the car and there was the sweet spirit couple! hahaha
They sure didn't look at all like this picture above... They actually made me want to yack when I saw them... They were just going to town on eachothers faces and bodies!!! .... acting like no one else in the world were watching them! and the girls pants were like half way down her rear!! sick! good grief haha seriously people!!

So as I am trying not to stare- but come on you have to- cause they are right by the road, right next to my car... I thought to myself "what in the sam are they thinking, there are children out here!!! I am out here!!!!" Monkey my husband is trying his best not to laugh! I am trying my best not to say .. Get a flippin room! I mean seriously if I wanted to watch something like that I would! What kind of world is this.... I say- if I ever see my children doing that right next to the playground where kids are playing...
They would probably wish they were kissin this donkey like this crazy person!! Seriously is it too much to ask for a little break here and there! Like you would think you were safe going to the park playin alittle ca*nas*ta...... but noooooooo....
Where is this sign when you need it! Next time that happens I might just get myself down on the ground... wiggle my way in between the couple... and just smile at them and talk to them maybe about the wheather! That would be just as awkward as seeing what I saw! People Get A Grip On Your Lives and if you can't... go somewhere where no one can see you! Thank you!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

First of negaitve Ned.... You got to get out more. There is more to life than soy beans and lettuce wraps!!! There is a thing called happiness and fun. I don't know if you have heard about those words so I will fill you in... Happines is a state of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy! Fun: activities that are enjoyable or amusing !!! Now if I got this right INTENSE JOY and ENJOYABLE OR AMUSING!!! hmmmm when I eat a doughnut I feel intense joy and it is very enjoyable.... plus amusing!!! This one time Luke, Jenna, and I went to Krispy Kremes and ate like 6 doughnuts each and we couldn't stop laughing the entire time.. We were sitting there eating doughnuts and had our mouths full of doughnuts and we just sat there pointing at each other laughing! Tears were pouring down our faces!! I will never forget that as long as I live. I would have to say it was so fun and made me so happy... Jaclyn! Without those doughnuts there would have been no fun that night okaaaay!!!
Next of all~ doughnuts with Santa!!!! you buy doughnuts all the proceeds go to help children!!!!! Fatty food goes to help save a childs life you greedy veggie eater!!!

Now I didn't do this picture! I typed in doughnuts and what do you know, happy and doughnuts were in the same picture. I have heard that a mans pursuit in life is to find happiness... People search their whole lives to find happiness... who knew that someone could find happiness right down the street at the grocery store. Who knew that a little round bread with frosting and sprinkles could bring such joy and wonderful memories. Even though they aren't your green beans and peas, eating them won't put in the hospital or kill ya..(unless thats all you eat!) They may make you have an extra roll... but thats more to love. Everyone and the dog has to be skinny.... EVERYONE! Everyone worries that they aren't skinny enough. The WHOLE WORLD worries about it!! it is getting old!!! Someone needs to be different or this world is gonna get really boring!!! Bring on the doughnuts!!! Bring on the fun... get rid of all the people thinking that they have to be skinny and eat nothing but .... or should I say drink nothing but water to be attractive.... ummmm boring.

Look Heart shaped doughnuts... LOVE!!! Goodness so many good things come with doughnuts! And by the way Jenn, Tanna, and I happen to be the fun sisters! We know how to party and not worry so much!!! I mean eat the doughnuts eat some veggies maybe a brisk walk .... call it a day!!! Anyways who doesn't love a good doughnut with a tall glass old healthy calcium... MILK!! Jaclyn and other health freaks in the world let go.... Breath .... create some fun memories, and share the love!!!

Daisy Duke in a Doughnut Shop

In high school I would get home after a weekend party or get-to-makin out and Mamie would be waiting, money in hand. "Get in the car!" "Why where are we going." "Listen long one, get in the car and I'll explain on the way..."

And so the blogging begins... Mamie and I have had repeated conversations about several topics that tickle our fancy. One of those topics, although, has presented a rift in our relationship. The Danger of Doughnuts. I come form a family that has multiple personal-food-ities. Some of us would rather eat edamame soybeans and drink water when the other half enjoys a fat stack of pancakes and buttermilik syrup. Although every option satisfies the buds, nothing compares to the feelings that are felt with a Krispy Kreme Doughnut.

I hate the stuff. I feel as if biting into a doughnut is asking for a bottle of canola to be poured down your throat and rubbed into your lips for lubrication. Whether its the traditonal Doughnut Hut or the trendy KK, it doesn't matter. I literally hear my stomach screaming! "Please stop, it is eating away my stomach lining."

Let me tell you a story...Before I served my mission, we had a sisters trip. Just the five girls and my mother. We came to Utah, but in disagreeableness with the eating habits of the family, I was suffering from food allergies that kept me from eating sugar of any kind. I was strictly brown rice and chicken. Bland, but healthy. Before we began our excursion my mom and I decided to go to Wild Oats health food store while Nat filled up on gas. Jenn, Tanna, and Mamie went into the conveinence store to pick out a few snacks of their own. I never realized what a process it was to pick out the perfect gas station snack. They finally came to the mutual agreement that they would try Tommy's Doughnuts. Then came the hard part...do we get just one or should be get the baker's dozen? It was a really big deal. Needless to say they left with the baker's dozen and before we even got home had filled up on these "oh so delightful pasteries" I was not worried about missing out at all. I feel like doughnuts and most pastries in fact are just empty calories waiting to consume the immunity system and take over. Ask anyone with cancer if they have ever eaten a doughnut...or a hot dog for that matter:) I love my sister's, that is the gospel. But I don't have to love doughnuts...that's my constitutional right. Eating a doughnut is detrimental to my health and emotional well-being. Down with the doughnut!!!