Tuesday, April 28, 2009

So the other day we were all enjoying a beautiful afternoon at the park and it came time to head back to the car to go home. Our friend Jim whispers to me as we leave... "Don''t look at that couple by your car!!" He didn't really say that- but he said something like that, that I don't really remember. Anyways we are almost to the car and there was the sweet spirit couple! hahaha
They sure didn't look at all like this picture above... They actually made me want to yack when I saw them... They were just going to town on eachothers faces and bodies!!! .... acting like no one else in the world were watching them! and the girls pants were like half way down her rear!! sick! good grief haha seriously people!!

So as I am trying not to stare- but come on you have to- cause they are right by the road, right next to my car... I thought to myself "what in the sam are they thinking, there are children out here!!! I am out here!!!!" Monkey my husband is trying his best not to laugh! I am trying my best not to say .. Get a flippin room! I mean seriously if I wanted to watch something like that I would! What kind of world is this.... I say- if I ever see my children doing that right next to the playground where kids are playing...
They would probably wish they were kissin this donkey like this crazy person!! Seriously is it too much to ask for a little break here and there! Like you would think you were safe going to the park playin alittle ca*nas*ta...... but noooooooo....
Where is this sign when you need it! Next time that happens I might just get myself down on the ground... wiggle my way in between the couple... and just smile at them and talk to them maybe about the wheather! That would be just as awkward as seeing what I saw! People Get A Grip On Your Lives and if you can't... go somewhere where no one can see you! Thank you!

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